The Obama-kah:

Not my cup of tea, but any Jewish Obama supporters who want to be styling at High Holiday services this year can order "Obama-kahs" (Obama yarmulkes) here.

Update: Is it wrong to declare political allegiances on a yarmulke? I'm not sure, but given that it's easy enough to find, for example, Mets yarmulkes, a Simpsons yarmulke, and even a Grateful Dead yarmulke, I wouldn't judge wearers of the Obama-kah.

Related Posts (on one page):

  1. Baseball Yarmulkes:
  2. The Obama-kah:
Baseball Yarmulkes:

Like David, I take no position on whether religious Jews should put political slogans or sports team names on yarmulkes or even whether they should wear yarmulkes at all. However, for Jewish baseball fans who do decide to wear yarmulkes with a team name on them, here are some compelling reasons to choose the Boston Red Sox yarmulke, or at least avoid the New York Yankees version:).

Related Posts (on one page):

  1. Baseball Yarmulkes:
  2. The Obama-kah: