Citing Madison:

This time it's Billy, not James.

Related Posts (on one page):

  1. Adam Sandler, Legal Authority:
  2. Citing Madison:
Adam Sandler, Legal Authority:

Even before the Order Denying Motion for Incomprehensibility (follow the links and look at p.2 n.1), came Krumnow v. Krumnow, 174 S.W.3d 820 (Tex. Ct. App. 2006) (Gray, C.J., Special Note):

As I was completing work on this Special Note, footnote 4 appeared in the majority opinion. That footnote states: "This is an accelerated appeal. Chief Justice Gray has had the opinion since April 26, 2005." Frankly, in setting my work priorities, I had overlooked that "this is an accelerated appeal." I was not reminded of that by the author of the opinion until the addition of the footnote approximately four hours before the opinion was to be released....

So my response to footnote 4 is, quoting Adam Sandler in The Wedding Singer, "Once again, things that could have been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!" The Wedding Singer (New Line Cinema 1998) (motion picture).

Actually, the rest of the Special Note, with its discussion of whether "two judges on a three judge court of appeals can issue an opinion and not wait for the third judge's considered vote in an appeal" is more interesting, and actually pretty readable. But, hey, it doesn't quote Adam Sandler, so naturally we won't pay as much attention to it.

Related Posts (on one page):

  1. Adam Sandler, Legal Authority:
  2. Citing Madison: