Archive | March, 2010
Assassination, Self-Defense, and the Koh Speech
By Kenneth Anderson on March 28, 2010 5:30 pm in Counter-Terrorism Policy, International Law, Robotics, Targeted Killing, War and Armed Conflict, War on Terror
Why do Libertarians Like Federalism?
“Nazi Scandal Engulfs Human Rights Watch”
Sunday Song Lyric
“The Census of Enumeration”
“If you don’t want us to see you naked, maybe we’ll just put bees down your pants.”
President Makes Fifteen Recess Appointments
Not a May Day Parade
Drone Warfare Subcommittee Testimony, Up at SSRN
By Kenneth Anderson on March 27, 2010 2:45 pm in Counter-Terrorism Policy, International Law, Robotics, Targeted Killing, Terrorism, War and Armed Conflict, War on Terror