Archive | Economy
IQ2US Debate: Abolish The Minimum Wage
Let’s Play Spot the Fallacies
The Inconsistency Between the Constitutional Arguments for the Mandate and Medicaid in the ACA
By Eugene Kontorovich on March 29, 2012 6:20 pm in Constitutional Law, Economy, Federalism, Health Care, Individual Mandate, Supreme Court
The Broken Window Fallacy Rears it Ugly Head
Common Mistakes by Economists
The Resurgence of ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiments’
E.J. McMahon Argues for Alternatives to State Bankruptcy, and Fred Siegel on Public Employee Unions
Skeel Speaks, NYT Takes Note, and Maybe Congress Listens?
Bankruptcy for States
What Would Public Choice Theory Say About Rating Agencies and Sovereign Debt?
World Food Supplies and Prices
Adam Levitin on the New Massachusetts Court Foreclosure Decision
By Kenneth Anderson on January 12, 2011 1:48 pm in Economy, Finance, Financial Crisis, Property Rights