Archive | November, 2013
How Is Angola Like Saudi Arabia?
Letter from NASA
Can We Crowd Audit
Ending the Filibuster — A View from the Bench
Verse for Sunday: “Spain”
Speaking of the Kennedy Assassination
Knives and the Second Amendment
By David Kopel on November 23, 2013 6:14 pm in Constitutional History, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, History, Militia, Non-Firearms Arms, Right to carry, Self-Defense
Direct Deposit Advance Products
Attitudes Towards Handgun Bans
Tax Exemption for Ministers’ Housing Expenses Violates the Establishment Clause
Don’t Cry for Argentina (Again)
The Obamacare Fix’s Legality, State Law and Standing
By Eugene Kontorovich on November 23, 2013 12:33 pm in Constitutional Law, Federal Jurisdiction, Health Care, Standing, State Constitutional Law