Archive | March, 2010
Duke Reverses Exclusion of Pro-Life Talk from the Duke Women’s Center
Colorado Attorney General Explains the Obamacare Lawsuit
“Big Bang”
Soccerphiles & Soccerphobes, Lay Down Your Arms!
Sixth Circuit 0-3 in Habeas Cases This Term
Gene Patent(s?) Invalidated:
The Tournament of Novels:
Self-hating Wolverine
“What Sort of Burden Does It Place on the University … to Strike ‘of Our Lord’ from the Diploma?”
“Year of Our Lord”
Can a State Use Eminent Domain to Take Federal Land?
A Sad Victory for Thuggery in Texas
By Eugene Volokh on March 29, 2010 4:57 pm in Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Speech at Colleges and Universities