One-third of Britain's pets are overweight.
No word on whether Britain will ban dog and cat food commercials (as former FTC Chairman Tim Muris once joked).
Saturday, January 7, 2006Fat Cats:
One-third of Britain's pets are overweight. No word on whether Britain will ban dog and cat food commercials (as former FTC Chairman Tim Muris once joked). Tom DeLay To Give Up Leadership Post:
Details here.
Third Circuit Judges to Testify for Alito:
Seven current and former Third Circuit colleagues of Judge Alito have been scheduled to testify on Alito's behalf to give the Senate an "insider's view" of how Alito decides cases. The list includes Judges Edward Becker, Maryanne Trump Barry, Ruggero Aldisert, Leonard I. Garth, John Gibbons and Timothy Lewis. From the Washington Post:
[Judge] Becker is a longtime friend of Specter and Alito, and was key to assembling the group, Specter said. He said he asked Becker last year whether he "would feel comfortable testifying" for Alito. Becker eventually agreed, Specter said, and then recruited the others.On a personal note, I am particularly eager to hear Judge Garth's testimony. I had the tremendous honor of clerking for Judge Garth in 1997-98, and he knows Judge Alito not only as a colleague for 15 years on the Third Circuit but also as one of his former law clerks (1976-1977, I think). Dujack Dropped:
This morning's Washington Times reports that the Democrats have dropped Stephen Dujack as a witness for the Alito hearings. Kelo Update:
Tom Blumer has a thorough update on the stalled the New London project. His summary:
New Report on Race and College Admissions:
There is a new study out on "the increasing number of students falling into the 'race/ethnicity unknown' category of postsecondary demographic data. The study findings suggest that a sizeable portion of students in this category are white, in addition to multiracial students who may have selected white as one of their categories." The study reports that over the decade ending in 2001, the proportion of students identified as being of unknown race grew from 3.2 percent to 5.9 percent. Prior to this study, the authors report, it was thought by many that the rise in "none" reflected a rise in multiracial self-identification, such that old categories no longer applied. The study finds otherwise. Instead, it finds that most of those who report no racial identity are actually white. Here's a stunning statistic: At one of the three colleges included in the study, the share of students classifying themselves as white rose to 70 percent after they were admitted, compared with 42 percent behforehand. The proportion of students of unkown race dropped to 4 percent from 32 percent. The report (page 11) speculates on the reluctance of some to elect a racial classification at the admissions stage: "It is possible that some increase in unknown students is due to an impression among white and AAPI [Asian-American/Pacific Islander]students that their race/ethnicity would work against them in the admissions process." The report notes that these reporting biases pose serious problems for the bean-counters whose job it is keep track of these sorts of things. One proposal would be to essentially force students and institutions to elect racial classifications by taking away the "unnkown" category for institutions reporting. The report observes, "Requiring institutions to collapse groups of students into the 'unknown' category results in less accurate informaiton at the federal level. Perhaps more disconcerting, it reinforces this practice at the institutional level. As we hear an increasing call for institutional accountability for student learning outcomes, we should also demand to know precisely what groups of students are present in our learning environments." Joe Malchow pointed me to the study, and he has some personal reflections of his own. Creditors' Committee Beauty Pageant:
Peter Lattman captures the atmosphere at the outset of Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, as professionals vie for their piece of the action:
I've always thought that there would be at least one good novel about Chapter 11, perhaps John Grisham with a touch of Tom Wolfe thrown in. Lattman's WSJ Law Blog is definitely off to a great start--lots of interesting stuff over there. He also has a blawg roundup on business, bankruptcy, and white-collar crime issues. Update: Also from the WSJ, see this interesting article on the "Third-Year Dilemma" of law firms, describing the high frequency with which associates leave large law firms during their third year of practice and what some firms are doing about it. Congressional Research Service Report on NSA Surveillance:
The Congressional Research Service has published a report analyzing the DOJ letter sent to the Intelligence Committee on the NSA surveillance program. The CRS report is quite narrow. To condense its 44 pages into a sentence, it says that if you accept that the NSA program violated FISA, then the claims in DOJ's letter as to why the AUMF or Article II trump FISA are relatively weak. I agree; the CRS analysis is pretty similar to my initial post on the NSA program. The CRS report is appropriately cautious, too. It acknowledges that we don't have enough facts yet to analyze the legality of the program. I hope to post more on that, and some of my further ruminations on the NSA program, at some point over the next few days.
All Related Posts (on one page) | Some Related Posts:
Friday, January 6, 2006Marquette's Punishment of Dental Student for Things He Wrote on His Blog:
The Dean reaffirms it, though he reduces the punishment (from suspension to probation plus a mandated apology and 100 hours of community service). I stand by my initial criticism of the school's actions, though I'm glad that the punishment was at least reduced. Thanks to reader Connie Conine for the pointer. Related Posts (on one page):
Our Own Tyler Cowen
Word Categories:
By what rule have I divided these words into the four groups below?
Note: I adapted this from questions (answers?) on last night's Jeopardy!, so if you saw it, don't post the answer (question?). Why People Are Skeptical of Judicial Discretion in Sentencing:
Here's the story:
I understand the appeal of giving judges a great deal of sentencing flexibility: Different offenders are different, and sentencing guidelines schemes tend to omit some factors that might in some cases yield a juster result. But flexibility means you sometimes get manifestly unjust results such as this -- and sometimes unjust results in the other direction, too. What's more, you get highly unequal treatment. First, this child molester lucked out because he got into Judge Cashman's court, while other criminals might be unlucky because they get into an unusually harsh judge's court. Second, discretionary black-box here's-how-I-feel-about-it judgments are especially likely to be influenced, in many instances, by impermissible factors, such as the offender's race, the offender's sex, the degree to which the judge feels social affinity for the offender, or the degree to which the judge feels social affinity for the victim. Our feelings of pity, mercy, and sympathy, as well as our feelings of outrage, are often colored (perhaps even subconsciously rather than deliberately) by such factors, especially when they bear on the connection we feel to the parties. On balance, it seems to me that judicial sentencing discretion needs to be cabined, and sentences -- like the definitions of the offenses -- made more matters of the rule of law, rather than of rule by whatever penological theory each particular judge "believes in," or by whatever attitudes the judge has about a particular crime or a particular offender. And while of course the sentencing ranges can be misset (the federal guidelines were faulted for being too harsh in many instances, though I have no firm opinion on the subject), at least the guidelines provide an opportunity for deliberation, both democratic and bureaucratic, about what the right settings should be. Not so with "here's what I as the judge think you should be sentenced to." (Note that across-the-board mandatory minimums lack many of the advantages of guidelines, since they usually turn on no or very few factors. Guidelines include their own minimums, but those minimums are more calibrated to the particulars of each offense, such as the offender's criminal history, the severity of this particular instance of the offense, and the like. There's also a separate debate over what sorts of escape hatches guidelines should have for the truly unusual cases; but it's much better to limit judges' discretion, subject to a rarely used escape hatch that will often be reviewable on appeal, than to leave the matter entirely to the judge.) Questioning Alito:
The Pocket Part, Yale Law Journal's new on-line forum, just posted a provocative essay by Yale law profs Robert Post and Riva Siegel entitled, Questioning Justice: Law and Politics in Judicial Confirmation Hearings. There they propose questioning Supreme Court nominees as to how they would decide the classic cases of constitutional law:
In . . . this Article we propose and defend a method of questioning that will enable the Senate to evaluate the constitutional commitments of nominees while preserving the independent integrity of the law. We argue, in brief, that senators can with confidence and authority ask nominees to explain the grounds on which they would have voted in past decisions of the Supreme Court. Such questions serve the democratic design of the confirmation process by revealing the operational content of nominees’ constitutional commitments. Asking nominees to disclose how they would have decided well-known Supreme Court cases prevents nominees from explaining their constitutional commitments in terms of abstract principles like “liberty” or “equality,” whose practical significance in particular cases and contested areas of constitutional law is unknown. The goal would be to sustain a colloquy capable of adequately informing a senatorial vote on whether to invest a nominee with the independent authority to interpret the Constitution.This essay is accompanied by four responses by Laurence Tribe, Erwin Chemerinsky, Steve Lubet, and your own humble Volokh Conspiracy blogger. In my contribution, Clauses Not Cases, I entirely agree with them that the Senate should scrutinize a candidate's constitutional philosophy. A commitment to respect the Constitution is a matter of judicial character or virtue that goes beyond the credentials that measure pure ability. If senators are to assess judicial attitude as well as ability, then they must, as Post and Siegel correctly observe, “acquire [the] useful information about a nominee’s constitutional commitments” that is needed to make such an assessment. Hence, in an example of what Cass Sunstein has called an “incompletely theorized agreement,” we three agree, albeit for different underlying reasons, that the Senate ought “to evaluate the constitutional commitments of nominees, while preserving the independent integrity of the law.” But I reject their proposal to ask nominees about classic cases for three reasons: First, an inquiry into cases would risk turning hearings into a trial by ordeal or, if that metaphor seems exaggerated, then an oral examination. Unless there was a very limited set of canonical cases agreed upon in advance, it would leave candidates open for ambushes that expose their understandable lack of knowledge about any number of cases. While each senator need only ask about just one or two cases, the candidate would have to take all comers or look evasive or uninformed. I doubt whether many constitutional law professors would be able to pass this sort of oral exam, but I am certain that even a very able nominee would likely be unfairly tripped up by such a process.A selection procedure that privileges the status quo is very bad, I maintain: Because it is a constitution they are expounding—I have always wanted to say that—not a set of canonical results. If applied faithfully in the past, their procedure would likely have screened any nominee who questioned the Supreme Court’s extant interpretation of the Fugitive Slave Clause in Prigg v. Pennsylvania or its constitutional acceptance of Jim Crow in Plessy v. Ferguson. If you don’t like these examples, just think of any well-established precedent we now think was wrongly decided. At one time it was canonical.I then offer an alternative procedure: Ask nominees about clauses, not cases: Consider the Second Amendment. Does a nominee rely on its original meaning (and aware of controversies about its meaning) or does the nominee think its meaning evolves or has been superseded by modern developments? Is its meaning one of general principle or is it historically limited to particular practices in effect at the time of its enactment? Does the existence of an individual to right to keep and bear arms preclude all reasonable regulations? Does it apply to the states? Why or why not? Answers to these questions are likely to cohere with how a nominee evaluates other clauses. . . . Even if asking about clauses will not always get Post and Siegel all they want to know about a candidate’s constitutional philosophy, it would get what they need.Of course, I say more than these excerpts, and so do Post and Siegel, so you may wish to read their post in its entirety along with mine. Thursday, January 5, 2006Interesting First Amendment Case:
Martin Wishnatsky had publicly criticized the University of North Dakota School of Law's law clinic, chiefly because it had helped a client challenge the display of a Ten Commandments monument on city property. Wishnatsky then asked the clinic for help challenging the courthouse's display of the goddess of Justice (Themis) on city property. The clinic's director rejected Wishnatsky's request, partly because Wishnatsky's "persistent and antagonistic actions against the [law clinic] and faculty involved would adversely affect our ability to establish an effective client-attorney relationship with you and would consequently impair our ability to provide legal representation." Wishnatsky then sued the clinic, claimed that it improperly discriminated against him based on his viewpoint (not the viewpoint on which his lawsuit rests, but the viewpoint that he had publicly expressed outside about the clinic before). The clinic responded that it was entitled to discriminate based on viewpoint (though it argued that as a factual matter this wasn't the deciding factor); it could hire whomever it pleased, presumably subject to the rules barring race discrimination, sex discrimination, and the like. Not so, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit just held. If Wishnatsky's past critical speech was the deciding factor in the clinic's decision -- which is a matter that would have to be considered at trial -- the clinic's refusal to represent him would be presumptively unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination. "Taken to its logical conclusion, the Clinic's argument means that a public law school could announce that its clinical program will accept as clients only persons who belong to one political party or espouse particular views on controversial issues of the day. We reject that proposition as inconsistent with the First Amendment." I'm not sure whether this is the right result. True, the government may not discriminate based on viewpoint in "designated public forum" programs that are open to all applicants who meet objective criteria (e.g., "all student publications are entitled to reimbursement for their printing expenses) and that are aimed at promoting a diversity of views. But I'm not sure that legal clinics, which necessarily use discretionary criteria in selecting clients, which are chiefly aimed at educating students, not promoting a diversity of views, and which involve personal services rendered in a fairly close working relationship fall in the same category. On the other hand, Legal Services Corp. v. Velazquez seems to suggest that legal aid programs are indeed a sort of designated public forum; and I sympathize with the court's view that the state ought not deny potential litigants benefits because they belong to disfavored groups or express disfavored opinions. Finally, note that none of this suggests that Wishnatsky's lawsuit about Themis would win, or that the clinic had an obligation to represent him. The clinic, I'm pretty sure, would have had no trouble if it had rejected him because it thought his case was weak, or even just not interesting to its students or faculty. The claim is that it couldn't reject his case because of his past criticism of the clinic, not that it couldn't reject his case, period. I Guess God Must Have Really Liked Say, Stalin,
at least long past the purges. Oh, and Arafat, too; God must have been a big fan. Pat Robertson seems to be telling us that Sharon's stroke -- and Rabin's assassination -- is God's punishment for "dividing God's land" (since it earned him God's "enmity"). Now if this is God's standard operating procedure, then I take it that the absence of divine punishment is something of an endorsement. God didn't send Stalin a stroke during the purges or the Ukraine famine, so Stalin must not have really earned God's enmity. God didn't get rid of Arafat for a very long time. Sharon must have been a much worse fellow than those worthies, in God's eyes. Of course, even if one thinks that God intervenes in world affairs in such a direct way, one could say that God moves in mysterious ways, and that his failure to send Stalin a prompt stroke is no endorsement. (I'm sure many readers of this blog would take this view, and I have no quarrel with them.) But if God's ways in not killing Stalin and Arafat promptly are a mystery, then I take it that the Sharon stroke is hardly an obvious condemnation, either. Yet Robertson doesn't seem to think that God's ways are so mysterious -- Sharon suffers a stroke, that's God's hand. So given that Arafat and Stalin lived long and apparently quite prosperous lives, way past the time that I had thought they'd earned God's "enmity," that must be God's hand, too, at least given Robertson's view. God is either a funny sort of God, or he's got a funny sort of servant. Thanks to Shawn Wesson ( for the pointer. A Sweet and Wise Blessing To Give Your Children,
which I heard from my friend Fred Bernstein, who says it to his three-year-old twins: "May you be who you are, and may you be blessed in all that you are." Like many such blessings, this one's merits go to the attitude it instills in the speaker, at least as much as in what it conveys to the target. Somewhere a Third-World Child Will Grow Up
thinking that USC won the Rose Bowl: Slate's Explainer reports:
But what about the spread of misinformation about sports history? Shameful! UPDATE: Commenter Ex-Fed writes: "It's heartbreaking to think that there are people out there -- the wretchedly poor, refugees, the dispossessed -- whose reality is even more terrible than one in which USC won." Criticisms of Judge Alito on Abortion and the Spousal Notification Decision:
I thought I'd pass along a few of the arguments (paraphrased from memory) that I'd heard during the radio program that I was just on; they were about Judge Alito's views on abortion, and specifically about his vote to uphold spousal notification laws in Casey. To the extent the arguments were factually mistaken (as the arguments noted in items 1 and 2 below were), I'm sure they were honest mistakes, but they're the sort of mistake that we're likely to see often:
None of this of course goes to what the constitutionally, morally, or pragmatically right view is on spousal notification; I'm speaking here only of the specific arguments that I'd heard deployed against Judge Alito's position. Good Lord:
Words fail me. Thanks to OpinionJournal's Political Diary for the pointer. UPDATE: Matt Rustler (Stop the Bleating) points out: ["]Barry vowed not to move from his home in the council district he represents. But he said he will push for tougher gun control laws. Last session he offered a bill mandating a 10-year sentence for those caught with a gun. So far, a hearing has not been scheduled, but Barry hopes to see action on it this year.["] [Link in Rustler's post.] . . . A Rare Football-Related Post:
Reader Matt Kita e-mails to say that "at the beginning of the UT-USC game last night, I predicted that it would be close and could have gone either way when Justice O'Connor did the coin toss." About To Be on KQED Radio in San Francisco,
from 9:05 or so to 10 or so, talking about the Alito nomination. I'll be on with fellow lawprof Vik Amar and Deborah Rhode, and with reporter Bob Egelko. BBC on Jesus's Parents: "In a broadcast just before Christmas, the BBC claimed that the historical trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem made by Jesus' parents, Joseph and Mary, would have been rendered impossible today, due to Israeli army restrictions." According to Gross, a reader of an Israeli newspaper had a response very similar to mine (and others) when I first heard this story: "What the BBC doesn't tell us is that Jesus' parents would have been murdered by Palestinian groups just like any Jews would have if they went into PA-occupied areas." It's rather bizarre that the BBC seems to think of Joseph and Mary as Palestinian Arabs (especially as there was neither any such geographical entity as Palestine nor any Arab residents of Judea at the time), not Jews. It's also not clear what the BBC is talking about in a more general sense: though they claimed to follow an Israeli-Arab carpenter from Nazareth as he tried to get to Bethlehem, Israeli army restrictions keep Arabs from Bethlehem from coming into Israel to prevent suicide bombings, but Jews (and Arabs) from Israeli cities like Nazareth can travel to the West Bank (I was just driving on the road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem two weeks ago, though I got off several miles before Bethlehem), though it would be suicidal for an Israeli Jew to go to Bethlehem right now. Nor is Bethlehem enclosed by a security fence, though there is a barrier on the side facing Israel. And, in any event, thirty thousand tourists did make it to Bethlehem on Christmas. Blue Book Abuse, the Colorado Governor's Race, and More:
My father, Jerry Kopel, is a columnist for the Colorado Statesman, Colorado's weekly political newspaper. Before that, he served for 22 years as a Democratic State Representative from Denver. Before that, he worked for several Colorado newspapers, including the Rocky Mountain News (for which I currently write a media column). Here's a sample of his recent columns, all of which are available on his website: Wednesday, January 4, 2006Pregnancy and Communicable Disease -- A Thought Experiment:
Say that Mary Moe is pregnant, HIV positive, and planning to take her child to term. Assume also that medical treatment for the HIV during pregnancy can substantially decrease the risk of her communicating the HIV to the soon-to-be-born child. (As best I can tell, that's factually accurate.) Say also that Mary Moe is infected with some other disease — call it German Measles 2 — that risks causing birth defects in the children of other pregnant women who come into contact with Moe. (The hypothetical disease would differ from traditional German measles in that it would be persistent but asymptomatic in the carrier; in this respect, imagine Moe as a Typhoid Mary for this disease.) Assume also that medical treatment for German Measles 2 can substantially decrease the risk of Moe's communicating German Measles 2 to other women's soon-to-be-born children. I take it that, by analogy to the vaccination cases, the government may force Moe to take the medical treatment for German Measles 2 (am I right?), to minimize huge health dangers to the soon-to-be-born children of others. True, this is an intrusion into Moe's bodily integrity, but your right to bodily integrity must yield when your body is threatening the spread of disease to others. If so, can it really be the case that the government nonetheless may not force Moe to take the medical treatment for the HIV, to minimize huge health dangers to her own soon-to-be-born child? Is Moe's bodily integrity sufficient to justify the harm to the life and bodily integrity of her child — not just to a potential person (which is how the law conceptualizes the fetus before viability), but to a real person who will be born, and who may well be sentenced to a short life and painful death because of Moe's communicating the disease to him? Say that Moe's child grows up to be, say, ten, but is clearly dying by then. She's not just a fetus or even an infant. She can talk, and ask questions. Here's how the conversation goes:
Can that really be right? [UPDATE: Correct a couple of errors in paragraph 2 -- thanks to the commenters for pointing them out.] Related Posts (on one page):
GW Law Panel on NSA Surveillance Program:
Quick note for our DC-based readers: On Wednesday, January 11, 2006, from 4 to 5:30 pm, the George Washington University Law School will host a panel presentation titled "Secretly Listening: NSA Eavesdropping and the War on Terror." It will feature a diverse panel of faculty experts on the legal issues surrounding the NSA domestic surveillance program. The panelists will be Greg Maggs, Peter Raven-Hansen, and myself, and the panel will be moderated by Mary Cheh. The event will be held at the Faculty Conference Center at the 5th floor of Burns Hall on 20th Street between H and G Streets. The event is open to the public.
Sorry for the different look of the blog -- my error, which we hope to have corrected soon. The posts and the comments haven't been touched, though. Supreme Court Allows Transfer of Padilla to Miami for Criminal Prosecution:
The Supreme Court agreed Wednesday to allow the transfer of accused "enemy combatant" Jose Padilla to Miami to face criminal charges. Do HIV+ Pregnant Women Have a Constitutional Right To Refuse HIV Medication,
if they plan on carrying their children to term? The babies may end up infected with HIV via the mother, and, as I understand it, their risk of infection would be considerably lower if the mother were treated during pregnancy. A New Jersey trial court in New Jersey Division of Youth & Family Servs. v. L.V., 2005 WL 3527274 (N.J. Super. Ch. Aug. 3), seemed to suggest the women do have such a constitutional right. The court also rested its decision partly on statutory grounds and partly on factual grounds, but it did say that
But I wonder whether the abortion right-to-privacy cases, to which the court referred, are quite the right analogy -- why isn't the better analogy the vaccination cases, which have consistently upheld the government's power to vaccinate? The government may demand that I get a vaccine for a communicable disease even when I likely don't yet have that disease. Presumably if I were known to be infected with a communicable disease, and treatment would diminish my chances of spreading it to others, the government would if anything have even more power. Here, the mother is infected with a communicable disease; and though it's a disease that fortunately isn't spread by casual contact, it is often spread to unborn children. If the mother plans on carrying the child to term -- of producing a born, rights-bearing human being who might have a deadly disease because of exposure through the mother -- why isn't mandating treatment of the mother at least as constitutionally permissible as mandating vaccination? (I realize that HIV medication may have more harmful side effects than the typical vaccine typically does, but I doubt that this is dispositive as a constitutional matter. Among other things, HIV medication generally also has a more direct positive effect on the recipient than does the typical vaccine. In any case, why isn't a risk of some harmful side effects to the woman justified by the goal of preventing the extraordinarily serious effects -- more or less a sentence to an early and painful death, though with luck modern HIV therapy might commute that in some cases -- to the child whom the woman may infect?) Related Posts (on one page):
Jewish National Leaders:
Which Prime Ministers / Presidents / dictators of countries other than Israel have been Jewish, either by religion or by birth, and either wholly or partly? Benjamin Disraeli is an obvious example; Leon Blum, French Prime Minister in the 1930s, is another example. Lenin is said to have a Jewish grandfather or great-grandfather who had converted to Christianity; I'm not sure how well-attested this is, but I thought it's worth noting it. (I know some anti-Semites have made much of it, but while I can't be positive whether it's right, I'm quite sure it's not only an anti-Semitic canard; a quick LEXIS search revealed a Jerusalem Post article that quotes this offhandedly.) I'm posting a likely more surprising item as the first comment. But what others? Remember, I'm looking only for the Prime Ministers, Presidents, or dictators, not lower-rank government officials or failed contenders (e.g., Barry Goldwater). As you might gather from the reference to Lenin (or for that matter, Blum, who was a Socialist), the question isn't a matter of ethnic pride, just curiosity. UPDATE: Mark Kleiman points out that Blum, though a Socialist, "was also the leader of the forces in France that wanted to oppose the Nazis. (See the first volume of Churchill's Second World War.) Politically, he was a failure, but morally he was a hero." I'm happy to defer to Mark's greater knowledge of the subject; I knew that Blum was an anti-fascist Popular Front leader, but hadn't known that he had distinguished himself enough in that capacity to get much credit. If Blum had shown particular courage, skill, or perspicacity in that context, I'm happy to give him plenty of credit for it (though I'm still not sure that I'd on balance derive ethnic pride, if I was prone to such things, from his being a fellow Jew). Data-Mining, FISA, and the NSA Surveillance Program:
I'm planning on spending the rest of today at the AALS Annual Conference across town, but I wanted to touch on a few more issues about the NSA surveillance program before I do:
1. Based on what I have read from Risen's book, it seems less likely to me than it did before that this is a TIA-like data-mining program. It helps to note a distinction between two different methods that the press (and some commentators) often jumble together: packet-sniffing on a packet-switched network, and data mining. Packet sniffing refers to installing a monitoring device on a steam of traffic that looks for specific sequences of letters, numbers, or symbols. Here is how I explained packet sniffing for Internet traffic in my article, Internet Surveillance Law After the USA Patriot Act: While the Internet uses packets to send and receive information, the packets are really just digital ones and zeroes that computers use to communicate with each other. The ones and zeroes can be reassembled into text to be read by a human, but computers do not need to do this and generally will not. A computer surveillance tool programmed to look for all emails to the Internet account "" does not actually look for the text "" To simplify a bit, the tool instead begins by looking for emails, and when it finds an email, it scans the right place in the email for the digital equivalent of "," which is 0110001001101111011000100100000001100001. If this exact sequence of ones and zeros appears in the right place, the surveillance tool knows that it has found an email to and will copy and record the block of ones and zeros that represent the email so that someone can later come back, convert the ones and zeros into text, and read the email. If the tool has an advanced filter and is configured properly, the billions of ones and zeros that do not relate to emails or to the exact sequence of 0s and 1s that represent the target account will pass through the device and be forgotten.Based on what I have read from Risen's book, it sounds to me like that's what the NSA was doing. For those with criminal law experience, this was basically a large-scale pen regsister/trap-and-trace or wiretap, depending on how the filters are configured. (I'm not sure how different telephone traffic is these days, at least inside the provider switches.) This is different from a data-mining program. The term "data-mining" is usually used to mean taking an already-gathered database of information, and then performing analysis on the gathered database in lots of ways to identify patterns and characteristics. As best I can tell, the NSA program was not actually recording domestic Internet traffic, putting it in a database, and then "mining" it for key words and the like. Rather, this was a real-time surveillance program focusing on traffic associated with specific phone numbers and e-mail accounts. This is extra-tentative, of course; I'm basing this from snippets in Risen's book, and I'd be happy to change this analysis if we get new info. (Also, while it is true that Nancy Pelosi's letter expressed concern that the program was like TIA, keep in mind that she wrote that letter without any help from her staff; I don't think Pelosi has any background in this area, so I'm not sure her letter is particularly helpful evidence of the program at this stage.) 2. I know it's going to annoy Armando, but I'm still not yet entirely sure of what to make of the legal issues. If I were confident that the DOJ letter represented a concession that the program violated FISA, I would be happy to bank on that and move on. As I have said before, I find the AUMF and Article II arguments unconvincing, so if that's the right issue to be focusing on, I'm with Armando. But something seems fishy here. For example, the leakers of the story seem focused on the Fourth Amendment instead of FISA. Further, given the extremely small number of people within the government who know the details of the program, it's not clear that DOJ's Office of Legislative Affairs (the office that sent the letter) was briefed on the details of the program. That is, the DOJ memo may have been written by people who knew less about the monitoring program than we now know thanks to Risen's book. (This may seem odd to you if you have never worked in the federal government; my guess is that it will seem less odd to those who have.) So Armando may be right, but I don't think we know enough to be sure of that. 3. Finally, and relatedly, the details of the program from Risen's book arguably explains the national security interest in keeping the domestic surveillance program a secret. It's not that terrorists may suddenly realize that they may be monitored; that argument never made much sense, as every member of Al-Qaeda must know that they may be monitored. Rather, I suspect the security issue is twofold. In the short term, terrorist groups now know that they can stand a significantly better chance of hiding their communications from the NSA by chosing communications systems that don't happen to route through the U.S. And in the long term, some countries may react to the disclosures of the program by redesigning their telecommunications networks so less traffic goes through the United States. The more people abroad know that the NSA can easily watch their communications routed through the U.S., the less people will be willing to route their communications through the U.S. Cf. Bruce Hayden's comment. No doubt it was a long-term priority of the NSA to ensure that lots of international communications traffic was routed through the U.S., where the NSA could have much better access to it. Indeed, Risen's book more or less says this. The disclosure of the program presumably helps frustrate that objective. Anyway, that's it for now. My apologies to readers who want me to have a much more certain answer. My Internet surveillance antennae aren't yet giving me clear enough clues to know for sure where things are going to land. All Related Posts (on one page) | Some Related Posts: So You're An Academic Who Wants To Be a Consultant to Hollywood?
New Risen Book Sheds Light on NSA Surveillance Program:
In the many debates we've had here at the VC about the NSA's domestic surveillance program, we've been stymied by the lack of facts about how the program works. James Risen's new book, State of War: State of War : The Secret History of the C.I.A. and the Bush Administration, was released just today, and it has lots of juicy new facts to ponder. Risen's civil libertarian views are front and center, so the tone isn't exactly balanced, but the new facts make it an incredible read.
Risen's book answers a bunch of our questions about why the program was started, and what it does differently than past NSA surveillance programs. We don't yet have definitive answers to the legal questions, but we have a much sharper picture of the issues. Further, I suspect these disclosures may have an impact on the public opinion; at first blush, at least to me, the new facts seem to present the program in a somewhat more sympathetic light than have some previous reports. According to Risen, the key to the new program is a shift in telecommunications technology in recent decades that has made U.S. networks the carriers of lots of international telephone and e-mail traffic. In addition to handling telephone calls from, say, Los Angeles to New York, the switches also act as gateways into and out of the United States for international telecommunications. A large volume of purely international telephone calls — calls that do not begin or end in America — also now travel through switches based in the United States. Telephone calls from Asia to Europe, for example, may go through the United States-based switches. This so-called transit traffic has dramatically increased in recent years as the telephone network has become increasingly globalized. Computerized systems determine the most efficient routes for digital "packets" of electronic communications depending on the speed and congestion on the networks, not necessarily on the shortest line between two points. Such random global route selection means that the switches carrying calls from Cleveland to Chicago, for example, may also be carrying calls from Islamabad to Jakarta. In fact, it is now difficult to tell where the domestic telephone system ends and the international network begins.Reading over this part of Risen's book, it seems that most of the new surveillance program was not about domestic surveillance at all; most of it was about the surveillance of entirely international calls and e-mails that just happened to be routed through U.S. networks in the course of delivery. According to Risen, the program typically monitored about 7,000 individuals overseas at any given time, as compared to about about 500 people who were located in the United States. From an operational perspective, then, the big difference between prior NSA practices and the new program was that the NSA was using a back door into domestic privider switches in the U.S. to monitor communications that were mostly foreign to foreign. Okay, so now let's take a look at the legal questions again. Recall that FISA prohibits "electronic surveillance," defined in relevant part as follows by 50 U.S.C. 1801(f): (1) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire or radio communication sent by or intended to be received by a particular, known United States person who is in the United States, if the contents are acquired by intentionally targeting that United States person, under circumstances in which a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant would be required for law enforcement purposes;As I read this language, monitoring communications both sent to and received by individuals located outside the United States is not prohibited by FISA. This surveillance is technically domestic — it occurs within the United States — but it does not involve monitoring "a person in the United States." So if I'm understanding things correctly — always a big "if" when you post after 2 am — most of the program did not violate FISA. Now here's the part I can't quite figure out. If most of the program dealt with international calls, and didn't violate FISA, why would the program be designed so that it also tapped the calls of 500 or so people in the United States? If the communications tapped were wire communications, then tapping those communications inside the United States seems to clearly violate FISA under 1801(f)(2). So it seems like there are two possibilities: either the communications were wire communications and the designers of the program thought that the 500 people tapped in the U.S. were of sufficient importance (potential terrorists cells, etc.) that they didn't want to cabin the program to deal exclusively with foreign-to-foreign calls, or else the communications were electronic communications and perhaps the monitoring didn't violate FISA. (Can anyone else tell based on Risen's excerpt whether the communications were wire or radio? Maybe it's just late, but I'm not sure.) Here's another puzzle to ponder. A few passages in the Risen book suggest that the legal concerns offered by those who leaked this story may be different from the legal concerns that I've been focusing on in my posts. For example, according to the book, "[s]everal government officials who know about the NSA operation have come forward to talk about it because they are deeply troubled by it, . . . [t]hey strongly believe that the president's secret order is in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable searches." Other parts of the book seem Fourth Amendment-focused, as well. That seems somewhat odd to me, because, as I've explained before, my primary legal concerns are statutory, not constitutional. This raises a couple of different possibilities. For example, it may be that the program doesn't violate FISA after all, and the debate within government has really been about the Fourth Amendment. The concern within some government officials may be that scanning traffic en masse for phone numbers or e-mail addresses of even foreign calls may violate the Fourth Amendment rights of domestic people whose communications are scanned (even only in the passing way that any Internet wiretap must scan all traffic). That is consistent with Risen's claim that "Now that [foreign to] foreign calls were being routed through switches that were physically on American soil, eavesdropping on those calls might be a violation of the regulations and laws restricting the NSA from spying inside the United States." The "regulations and laws" don't seem to be FISA, as I believe FISA is implicated only when the person monitored is in the United States; could those "laws" be the Fourth Amendment? Are there other "regulations" that govern the NSA that might be implicated here? It's hard to tell. Of course, it's also possible that the Fourth Amendment concerns are a bit of a red herring: the claim may be a cover for other motives. Who knows. In any event, it's way late, and I'm probably not being very coherent at this hour. More pondering tomorrow. Thanks to Lee Tien for the tip. All Related Posts (on one page) | Some Related Posts:
Tuesday, January 3, 2006NSA Expanded Surveillance On Its Own -- But Connections to Later Program Doubtful:
The New York Times is reporting that in the days following 9/11/01, the NSA stepped up its surveillance programs on its own without Presidential action:
The National Security Agency acted on its own authority, without a formal directive from President Bush, to expand its domestic surveillance operations in the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to declassified documents released Tuesday.The obvious question is, was this expansion directly related to the Bush Administration's warrantless surveillance program? I doubt it. It seems quite unlikely to me that the NSA would on its own accord engage in monitoring that needed the AUMF or rather novel Article II theories to justify it. Presumably the change was just some kind of expansion of monitoring or change in practice that the NSA thought fit within the bounds of FISA and the existing Executive Order. That's what this bit from the story suggests: Bush administration officials said on Tuesday that General Hayden, now the country's No. 2 intelligence official, had acted on the authority previously granted to the N.S.A., relying on an intelligence directive known as Executive Order 12333, issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. That order set guidelines for the collection of intelligence, including by the N.S.A.We can't know for sure, but it seems like there probably isn't much of a story here. One would certainly hope that the NSA changed its surveillance practices somewhat in the days following 9/11. So long as the changes fit readily within the boundaries of preexisting law -- which seems to have been the case, as far as I can tell -- I don't see a problem here. Thanks to Eric Freedman for the link. All Related Posts (on one page) | Some Related Posts:
Denver University Bar Passage:
The University of Denver's Sturm College of Law recently concluded a study of the unacceptably high bar exam failure rate of many of its graduates. (Summary here.) The study found that students whose LSATs were in the bottom 20% of admitted students, and whose first-year grades were in the bottom 20%, were very unlikely to pass the bar. The administration has implemented a program to address the problem, but the professors who conducted the bar exam passage study are skeptical. Professor Sam Kamin writes: The data that Professor Joyce Sterling and I have collected on more than 2,000 DU graduates indicate that curricular and extra-curricular choices that individual students make – whether to take bar classes, whether to do externships, whether to participate in the student law office, etc. – have little if any significant impact on their bar exam success. Thus, I am concerned that some of the proposed solutions – principally requiring more bar classes and in-class exams – will have no impact on bar passage and might mislead students into believing that this complex problem has a simple solution. UPDATE: A commenter asks for DU's ranking. According to the latest U.S. News & World Report ranking, DU is in a tie for 95th place. Although it's not top tier, it is ahead of dozens of other law schools, many of which, I suspect, also have abysmal bar passage rates for the bottom 20% of their students. 2005 Year in Review: Second Amendment and Federal Law
For the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the past year was an outstanding one, at the Congressional level. The most significant action, of course, was the passage of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act, designed to prohibit abusive lawsuits against gun manufacturers and gun stores. (Extended blog entry thereon is here.) The final version contained a few mild gun control items, none of them seriously dangerous. An appropriations rider which ends a policy, begun by the Clinton State Department, of implenting an unratified 1997 treaty (the Organization of American States' "Convention Against The Illicit Manufacturing Of And Trafficking In Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, And Other Related Materials") by requiring an export license for delivery to Canada of replacement parts for firearms repair. The exemption applies only to orders of less than $500, and only for some gun components.Significant Second Amendment protection issues for Congress in 2006 will likely include repeal of the D.C. ban on handgun possession and on possession of long guns in a condition usable for home defense; prohibiting state or local governments from confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens (as New Orleans and St. Tammany Parish did after Katrina), addressing BATFE abuses, and taking action against United Nations efforts to destroy American gun rights. Except for the amendments on the Protection of Lawful Commerce bill, no anti-gun legislation was enacted by Congress in 2005. PDA Blogging Advice Needed:
I have been very happy with the service and pricing of T-Mobile over the past year, as well as with the functionality of my Treo 600. Nevertheless, I was considering moving to Verizon when Palm announced the Treo 700w (and here) that would access their 3G high-speed wireless data network. The problem with such a move was that the phone plan was more expensive ($70 vs $50 a month for 2 lines) and the data plan was much more expensive ($45 vs. $20 per month for unlimited data). And unlike T-Mobile which is GSM, Verizon does not work in many countries. I have used my Treo for email and web browsing extensively in Europe and recently in Singapore, so having a "world phone" comes in handy for me. And I have never had a practical problem with T-Mobile's national phone coverage.
A few weeks ago, however, I happened to discover that T-Mobile had already rolled out its EDGE network that renders much higher speed Internet than before. (While it does get between 100-150kbs, the bursts are sometimes interrupted, so the net speed is slower.) Though this is still slower than Verizon (which promises up to 300kbs), it seemed like it might be fast enough for me, but I needed an EDGE capable PDA. When I discovered that the Treo 650 GSM version was EDGE capable, I had an excellent reason finally to upgrade to what is a much refined PDA in several respects, e.g. better keyboard, much better screen resolution, and faster processor. So far I am very happy with the Internet speed one gets from EDGE. It is great for surfing blogs. Where once I had to avoid any graphics intensive blogs, I can now go pretty much anywhere I like. I highly recommend this option. The only downside is the cost. T-Mobile does not sell subsidized Treo's and an unlocked one from Palm cost me $550. (I bought it at the Airport Wireless store in Logan.) On the other hand, T-Mobile is not charging any extra for access to its EDGE network so, at $20 per month for its Internet access, the service is cheap. And T-Mobile's national coverage for its EDGE network is far more extensive than Verizon's high speed data network, which is confined to major metropolitan areas. I now want to start blogging from my Treo 650 but am not sure which client I should buy. This article reviews several clients (mo:Blog, HBlogger, Plogit, and Vagablog), but it is over a year old. Powerblogs uses the metaweblog API, so any client must be compatible. Does anyone have any recommendations? I know I can always download them and try them out for myself, but I thought I would see if any readers has working experience with these applications. Murders of Atheists Because of Their Beliefs About Religion:
Last week brought two stories about such incidents, though the killings themselves were a year apart. Here's one from Michigan:
Here's the second, from Kentucky; I quote the Paducah Sun, Dec. 28, 2005:
I'm always hesitant to infer much from isolated incidents such as these ones. I didn't think, for instance, that the apparently gay-bashing murder of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming and the racist murder of James Byrd were particularly telling about the amount or intensity of anti-gay hatred or racist hatred in America. What we know about such hatred we know from other sources, not these particular incidents. (Aside: I don't want to get into the controversy which later surfaced about whether the murder was in fact motivated by Shepard's homosexuality; I haven't followed the matter that closely, and it's not particularly relevant to my basic point here.) Nonetheless, such incidents are concrete reminders of the hostility that we know is present; and to the extent that they are covered because of this, it seems to me that these murders of those who don't believe in God should be covered as well. The levels of hostility to atheists cited in earlier posts on this blog here, here, and here provide abstract statistics (not of murderous hatred, of course, but of hostility nonetheless, just as surveys that show that many people view Jews unfavorably or would refuse to vote for Jewish candidates are evidence of hostility towards Jews). The two murders here provide the concrete examples. A quick search, incidentally, suggests that the cases received no coverage outside their local newspapers. Finally, I agree that these cases are somewhat different than the Shepard and Byrd killings — they involve friends, and killers who were either mentally ill or drunk. But if one friend murdered another when drunk because the other was gay, or because the other was a Jew who refused to accept Jesus Christ, I think we'd still think that this is indicative of bigotry: The drunkenness, we'd suspect, likely didn't create the hostility, but rather removed the inhibitions against acting on that was already there. Thanks to Neil Reinhardt for the pointer to the first of these incidents. All Related Posts (on one page) | Some Related Posts:
Chomsky's Grasp on Reality:
In an interview in the fall 2005 issue of Thought & Action, the National Education Association's journal, Noam Chomsky discusses the post-9/11 intellectual climate in the United States. He argues that political harassment on the nation's campuses "is massive" but, contrary to general opinion, it is directed against dissidents like him who question U.S. Middle East policy: "there has been extreme discrimination on campus, and very serious harassment, but it's of anyone who questions the orthodoxy, not against conservatives." As proof, he gives the examples of Edward Said and himself: "He had to have police protection at his office, at his home. He had to have a buzzer in his home so he could call the police station. [Hmm: Anything to do with his membership in the Palestine National Council, not known for settling internal disagreements--such as Said's frequent denunciations of Arafat and Oslo--peacefully?]That went on all the time. I've been under police protection when I gave a talk on college campuses about the Middle East." Chomsky then goes on to blame the powers-that-be: "The nation's intellectual leaders are intimidated. Did you ever hear of any protest because someone who raised questions about the dominant orthodox position on the Middle East had to be given police protection when they were giving talks on campus? I don't recall any protests about that."My comment: What in God's name is Chomsky talking about? I gather that just about any controversial well-known conservative speaker speaking on a typical major college campus--Pipes, Ann Coulter, Dinesh D'Souza--almost routinely requires police escort, faces hecklers, etc. A dozen police are apparently required to keep order on campus when liberal (but pro-Israel) Alan Dershowitz speaks via satellite. In general Chomsky and his allies will at worst face a hostile question or two within a sea of admirers. UPDATE: And check out these remarks from leftist historian Paul Buhle, best know for his sympathetic portrayals of American Communists, regarding criticism of his work by other historians: "First let me note that most of the political attacks from the Right are actually intended, like the repressive atmosphere generally, not to threaten me but to intimidate graduate students and young professors who might speak their minds, or join protest movements." If that's not sufficiently over-the-top, Buhle adds: "There's another element in the attacks upon my writings: not Red Baiting but Goy-Bashing. The notion that a Gentile--even one who works in Yiddish and spends much time with Jewish audiences--could actually understand Jewish culture is annoying if not threatening." Apparently, some academics live in a such an ideological cocoon that any criticism of their views is interpreted as part of some broad plot. Post a Comment, Be Cited by a Prominent Newspaper:
Congratulations to commenter Tony, whose comment to one of our posts was quoted last month by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Atheist Law Center Seemingly Continues to Support Larry Darby:
Darby is the ALC's cofounder and former president; he's now running for Alabama Attorney General. Last month, I noted on this blog that Darby had complained about America's "Zionist-Occupied Government," helped organize a talk by denier David Irving, and seemed oddly interested in whether his questioner on this (me) was Jewish. Here's a message from Carol Moore, the Center's new president, which was sent in response to my blog post (which I had cross-posted to a discussion list):
I think this should give people a pretty good sense of where the Atheist Law Center stands on Larry Darby and his views. As I said in my original post, "It seems to me very important that irreligious people participate in public debate, to defend the legitimacy of their views, and to protect themselves against religious discrimination and hostility. . . . I . . . have nothing at all against atheist political movements in general, nor do I have any reason to believe that atheists generally have any hostility towards Jews, or affection for David Duke. Yet this makes it all the more important, it seems to me, for atheists who are deciding whom to ally themselves with — or for that matter, for members of other groups, such as Scouting for All or any marijuana decriminalization groups — to know Mr. Darby's views that I describe above, views with which I hope most atheists much disagree. . . ." So, no, I don't think that atheists are the enemy of Jews (whether ethnic Jews, against whom atheists need have no animosity, or religious Jews, with whom atheists may simply have a disagreement). But it certainly seems to me that Jews, both ethnic and religious, should be pretty troubled by the Atheist Law Center. UPDATE: Whoops -- originally wrote Larry Irving instead of David Irving (and not for the first time, sad to say). Larry Darby + David Irving somehow end up melding in my mind into Larry Irving, who as best I can tell is a perfectly fine fellow; my apologies to him. Thanks to commenter MM for the correction. All Related Posts (on one page) | Some Related Posts:
Jack Abramoff to Plead Guily, Cooperate With DOJ:
The latest news is here. Now things get really interesting:
Any such plea agreement likely would secure the Republican lobbyist's testimony against several members of Congress who received favors from him or his clients. The Justice Department is believed to be focusing on as many as 20 lawmakers and aides. . . . Happy Birthday, Cicero:
Today is the anniversary of the birthday, in 106 B.C., of the great Roman orator Cicero. Cicero was well-known to many generations of Latin students for the text of his eloquent speech in favor of the natural law right to self-defense. In an article a few years ago in Chronicles, I looked at the political lessons which America's Founders drew from Cicero and other Romans. Among the conclusions: the Founders saw how Rome had degenerated from a Republic to a military dictatorship, and traced the degeneration to the moral decline of the Roman citizeny. One of the causes of the decline was the replacement of the militia by a professional standing army. A3G as Wonkette?:
The Wall Street Journal's new law blog -- yep, that's right, the WSJ has started a law blog -- reports on a rumor that David Lat, aka Article III Groupie, is going to be the new
Here’s the latest buzz: Queen of the blogosphere Ana Marie Cox is said to be handing over the reins at her spicy political blog Wonkette. David Lat, the federal prosecutor who revealed himself to the New Yorker magazine in November as the author of the popular "Underneath Their Robes" judicial blog, is expected to start blogging for the site. Lockhart Steele, managing editor of Gawker Media, which owns Wonkette, declined to comment. We hear that Lat will have a co-editor. Monday, January 2, 2006Article on NSA Surveillance Law:
Here is an interesting pre-Patriot Act student note on the law governing NSA surveillance: Lawrence D. Sloan, Note, ECHELON and the Legal Restraints on Signals Intelligence: A Need For Reevaluation, 50 Duke L.J. 1467 (2001). I gave it a quick skim, and it seems to present a decent background for some of the issues surrounding FISA and NSA surveillance. Thanks to reader Shawn Bjorklund for the link.
"Discriminatory" Mortgages in Israel:
An Arab couple is suing the Israeli government because they are eligible for a somewhat smaller mortgage than those who have served in the military. In Israel, military service in mandatory for Jews and Druze but voluntary for Arabs. Few Arabs, other than Bedouins, volunteer, but those who volunteer get the same benefits as Israeli Jews. I have no doubt that there is a great deal of discrimination against Arabs in Israel; perhaps I'll express my views on the Arab situation in Israel some other time. However, I've never understood the argument that it's "discrimination" to deprive them of benefits that accrue to military veterans, given that Arabs are free to volunteer for the military; indeed, they could volunteer for other national service if serving in the military is too much to ask. Military veterans spent at least three years of their lives in the military, often in dangerous assignments. They then have to serve as reservists for a month every year for another two decades. Getting a slightly higher mortgage, among other perks, hardly seems like unfair compensation for bearing this burden. If the Arabs of Israel, and their Jewish supporters, want to successfully fight for equal rights, they should insist on not only getting equal benefits to Israeli Jews, but on bearing equal responsibilities. But it's a little too cute to argue that one should be eligible for the same state benefits as those who serve the state. UPDATE: My colleague Ilya Somin writes in:
Former Alito Clerks -- And A Current Colleague -- on C-SPAN:
It's a slow news day here at the VC for some reason, so I thought I would fill in the void by pointing out that two of my friends were on C-Span's America and the Courts feature this weekend talking about their experiences clerking for Judge Alito. Jeff Wasserstein clerked for Judge Alito in 1997-98, the year I clerked for Judge Garth in the same courthouse complex. Hannah Smith clerked for Justice Thomas the year I was clerking for Justice Kennedy. I don't know Gary Rubman, who clerked for Alito in 2000-01, but I like him already because he graduated from GW Law; based on that fact alone, I can assure you that he is a man of outstanding character and judgment. (Based on last week's experience, some commenters will think this is just "propaganda"; I assure you that I'm just trying to embarrass my friends. Also, it would be really weird if that 3-line link to Marty's post were the only VC post on a Monday, wouldn't it?)
Oh, and while you're at it, check out the interview with the always-interesting Judge Edward Becker, one of Judge Alito's colleagues on the Third Circuit. It begins at the 27 minute mark. Thanks to Howard for the link. Article II and the McCain Amendment:
Marty Lederman takes a look at the President's signing statement for the Defense Appropriations Bill signed on Friday, and finds evidence that the Administration is sticking with its claims of broad Article II authority.
Sunday, January 1, 2006Grumbling About Kodak:
My dad gave me a Kodak LS 443 digital camera that he never used. I took about 150 pictures with it, and then it completely froze after receiving an "E45" error message. Checking the Internet, I discovered that this is a very common hardware error with this camera model, and was warned that (a) Kodak will no longer fix it; and (b) that they will offer a newer camera model instead. Sure enough, a call to Kodak resulted in the following email:
Gee, thanks. Your crappy camera gave out after 150 pictures, you won't fix it even though it's apparently a widespread flaw, and you're offering me the opportunity to buy a reconditioned Kodak camera for $50 less than a could get a brand new one. The really bad news is that there is such a bewildering array of digital cameras out there, I have no idea which one to buy. I'd like one that's reasonably priced, takes nice shots, and assumes that I know nothing about photography, and don't want to learn. PCWorld seemed like a good place to start, but I'm a bit puzzled over whether it's worth spending $100 or so more to get more megapixels. UPDATE: I decided to go with the Canon PowerShot A520 Digital Camera, because it was highly recommended by CNET, PCWorld, and Consumer Reports, the only entry-level camera that won such unanimous accolades. Bought it from Dell, using a series of coupon codes I found at that brought the price to $204 including tax, shipping, and a 512 MB memory card. [And here's another authority that recommends the A520.] Interesting Comment Thread:
Comment threads here at the VC have taken on a life of their own recently -- a great thing, I think, as lots of them are really interesting -- and in that spririt I wanted to point out that the comment thread for my latest post has a very interesting discussion of the legality of the NSA surveillance program (including a bunch of comments of my own), starting around the 7:30 mark.
Comey Tried to Limit NSA Surveillance Program:
The New York Times has a fascinating article today about efforts by former Deputy Attorney General James Comey to limit or even block the NSA surveillance program back in 2004, when Comey was acting Attorney General:
A top Justice Department official objected in 2004 to aspects of the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program and refused to sign on to its continued use amid concerns about its legality and oversight, according to officials with knowledge of the tense internal debate. The concerns appear to have played a part in the temporary suspension of the secret program.I'm not surprised by this; I would imagine there was a great deal of internal disagreement among advisors as to the legality of the NSA program. I'm also not surprised that James Comey played an important role in objecting to the program. In October 2004, seven months after Comey's objection, a Legal Times story by Vanessa Blum disclosed the extent of the tension between Comey and the White House over the former's perceived "neutrality and independence." According to the Legal Times story, that independence took Comey out of the running for the Attorney General slot when Ashcroft stepped aside: There are a number of candidates who could be tapped to replace John Ashcroft as attorney general if President George W. Bush wins re-election. But perhaps the most obvious choice, Deputy AG James Comey, almost certainly will not be.Instead of picking Comey to replace Ashcroft, the President selected Gonzales -- who as White House Counsel had already committed to the view that the NSA surveillance program was legal. (Of course, it's hard to say if the NSA program played an important role in the White House's thinking on the AG slot -- it may just be a reflection of broader dynamics and priorities rather than a cause of them. Still, it's interesting to speculate on how the pieces might fit together.) All Related Posts (on one page) | Some Related Posts:
Good News About Anti-Depressants:
I've heard first-hand stories of people scared off from anti-depressants by exaggerated fears about their alleged dangers (promoted by some serious scientists, but more by Scientologists and others with ideological, not scientific, objections), and other first-hand stories from those whose lives were miraculously turned around by them. So, I'm glad to see that there is good news about their safety and effectiveness:
What the article doesn't say is how these results, and other positive results reported, diverge from placebo results. If anyone has access to the data, feel free to post it in comments. Is the U.S. Planning to Strike Iran Soon?
Der Spiegel reports that "recent reports in the German media suggest that the United States may be preparing its allies for an imminent military strike against facilities that are part of Iran's suspected clandestine nuclear weapons program." It's hard to think of a greater strategic disaster for the U.S. than a nuclear Iran led by the most reactionary elements there. It's also hard to think of a greater strategic disaster for the new government of Iraq, for Saudi Arabia, or for Israel--and Turkey can't be very excited, either--so assumedly the U.S. is getting lots of intelligence help. |